Member Spotlight… by Letty Gordon-Furse!

I first found Primal after I realised that I was living vicariously through my eldest child by taking him to gymnastics classes (who very quickly showed me that he had literally zero interest in it!) I realised I was in fact envious (!!) and felt like I’d ‘missed’ my chance at gymnastics, before thinking ‘sod that, why don’t I just do it now myself, why not’. Your SEO totally worked and after a quick google of adult gymnastics I came here knowing zero people as probably one of your oldest fogeys / definitely the only mum of 2!

My first impression was dead on, which is that it was an open minded, friendly and encouraging environment. Gymnastics for me as a child was full of terrifying teachers and very little ‘play’. I am a perfectionist and I think play is encouraged here. My first achievement, my ‘Primal Progress’ was a handspring off the vault! Right now I’m working on walkovers (back and forward) because let’s face it they just look really cool.

My favourite Primal memories are either Jena’s happiness that I like doing gymnastics to 00s sensation rapper T-pain, or aggressively double high fiving Teigan after landing my vault handspring and her just laughing her head off rather than thinking I was a competitive weirdo, which I’m sure most people would!

Book a Discovery Chat to get started with adult gymnastics!


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