Find Your Tribe

It’s been said that you become the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

Seth Godin says, “One of the most powerful of our survival mechanisms is to be part of a tribe, to contribute to (and take from) a group of like-minded people. We are drawn to leaders and to their ideas, and we can’t resist the rush of belonging and the thrill of the new.”

COVID-19 changed the landscape for fitness a lot.

Peloton stock has skyrocketed; Beachbody and other on-demand programs became all the rage. People prepped their garages with fitness equipment as if gyms would be a thing of the past. Even our Zoom classes were hitting 15-plus people per class.

Then, people were ready to return. Many small gyms, the ones that have limited members and can control who’s coming in their facilities are starting to grow again. People were looking to be around “their” people again, whether it’s their book club, religious gathering place or the gym.

There’s a difference when you’re there in person. The buzz of energy. The sounds of controlled chaos. Your friends pushing you when you thought you couldn’t run faster or couldn’t do another rep. But then you did.

In here, we have the camaraderie of that tribe of people pulling for you to succeed. Workouts at 6 a.m. don’t seem nearly as early when surrounded by your tribe. All the feels are not the same when you see your people through a computer screen. Plus, it’s pretty difficult to mimic climbing a rope or scaling a 10ft wall on Zoom….

There’s something incredibly special about a group of people that train, suffer, celebrate and sweat together.


Tribes of all kinds are important because:

  • Life will have its difficult times. You will fail. You will make mistakes. You’ll want the support of a tribe.

  • There will be things that you don’t want to do (but you need to do). You’re going to need people to believe in you more than you believe in yourself at those moments.

  • There are people that care about what you have to say. You need to find them.

Go find yours.

Want to find out if Primal Gym is why your tribe is hanging out? Book in for a Discovery Chat and let’s see! 


Why Primal Doesn’t Look Like a “Gym”


Unlocking Your Potential: The Power of the Pull-Up